IO2 - In Service Training
In Service Training Using Satire and Comedy to Promote Climate Change Awareness
The main aim of the FARCE - In-Service Training Using Satire and Comedy to Promote Climate Change Awareness is to introduce the overall topic of comedy and performance, particularly satire, as an educational vehicle. The training represents a new approach in Continuing Professional Development for professionals and educators to support them in integrating the new FARCE approaches and transversal skills including critical thinking on the topic of climate change education into their day-to-day working lives.
The modular FARCE resources have been developed to build confidence in the cohort of adult and community educators, and they include techniques to give the learner ‘centre stage’. There is theoretical input to trace the history of comedy, satire and performance; as well as practical examples and lessons drawn from history. All partners have contributed to the development of the output led by CSI with DAH in support. Each partner has developed one of the following modules:
- Module 1-Climate change/crisis by Solution: Solidarité & Inclusion (France)
- Module 2- Is there a Theory of Humour? by Center for Social Innovation (Cyprus)
- Module 3- Comedy and Satire Theory by Skills Elevation FHB (Germany)
- Module 4-Stand-up Comedy by Creative Exchange (United Kingdom)
- Module 5-Comedy Performance by DAH Teatar (Serbia)
- Module 6 Creative/Satire Writing by The Rural Hub (Ireland)
- Module 7-Comics in Education by Innoventum Oy (Finland)
There is an emphasis on ensuring that the theory of the FARCE approach is not lost and that this can be transferred directly into the project aims and objectives.
The FARCE in-service training comprises x21 hours of face-to-face learning supplemented by x14 hours of online self-directed learning. A FARCE skills workshop was built into the programme with participants completing the training which included researching, developing and present ingtheir own comedy resources. The cooperation with local stakeholders and partners through working groups offered the chance to test and pre-pilot materials for sampling and validation before including them in the final FARCE training programme. The first version of the in-service training was presented at the LTTA in Cyprus in March 2022 where two educators from each partner country participated in a 3-day training and workshop event. A further four educators completed the training in each partner in a cascading model.
The results are now available, free of charge, on the Outputs Tab