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Udruženje Dah Teatar
DAH Theatre Research Center (DTRC) is an independent, professional theatre company founded in 1991 in Belgrade, Serbia. It is a contemporary artistic collective that examines social issues built on the principle of social action and excellence in arts production and projects. Besides their own research, the DAH Theatre is directed towards permanent exchange of knowledge, experience and opinions among artists and theatre professionals of different national and theatre traditions.
With more than 45 theatre productions, 10 European 20 international collaboration and 13 organized festivals, DAH Theatre is one of the most enduring and successful theatre companies in the region. DAH Theatre is a members of many national and international theatre networks and is collaborating with the most prestigious universities from all over the world. In 2016 the first book about DAH Theatre was published “DAH Theatre, A Sourcebook” – published by Lexington Books.
DAH Theatre is included in the book The Twenty-First Century Performance Reader, published by Routledge, 2019. DAH Theatre exhists for 29 years now, and through these decades had been involved, produced, initiated and organized many activities. DAH Theatre has evolved into an internationally renowned producer of socially driven, innovative theatre that opposes violence, discrimination and xenophobia and promotes social justice, reconciliation, inclusion and peace making. Artists of DTRC strongly believe that theatre has the power to change individuals, to change our communities and that the artists have the power of public voice, which is “an incredible privilege, and with that goes a huge responsibility”.
Through its activities DTRC wants to create a meeting place for artists, managers of culture, specialists, different organisations and initiatives, young people and audiences regardless of age or gender from the local community, the region and beyond by bringing the cultural worker, artists, managers, and experts from the region to meet among themselves and with the local community, creating the conditions for collaboration and common projects, touring its productions and exchanging experiences.
